Anowar Hossain Manik
Managing Director
Mr. Anowar Hossain Manik is the Managing Director of Textown Group and is responsible for making strategic decisions of the company. With over 3-decades of experience in the ready-made garment sector, he has made strides in the company with his unique sense of customer and personal relations, constant drive to his managers to be intrapreneural and by being a strong leading figure to the company and the RMG sector of the country as a whole. As the company grew, our Managing Director devoted time and energy in strategic expansion to further the company's sustainability in the long-term.
Beside his role as the Managing Director, Mr.Manik is incredibly well-connected within the sector, being an active member of BGMEA since 1991, and also served as a Director in the 2015 - 2018 term. Mr.Manik had the pleasure of representing Textown Group and his country's RMG sector at the UN General Conference at New York in 2016, accompanying our Honarable Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina.
In 2012, our Managing Director invested in the education sector and is now a Trustee of German University of Bangladesh.
In 2017, Textown Group also entered into partnership with Sirajgong Economic Zone Limited, the largest privately-owned Economic Zone in Bangladesh. We are proud of our company to be at the forefront of this change and many more like this!